Fierce Empathy Fam!

Please watch this short video:


The Ardent Ones is a community of highly empathetic people, built for 
highly empathetic people.


From exhausted to empowered.
From feeling broken to broken-free.
From hope-deprived to hope-filled.
From overwhelmed to overjoyed.
From chaotic to controlled.
From helpless to healed.

We are often called Empaths, HSPs, Feelers, Healers, and we've been told we are 
TOO MUCH for most of our lives...

Too sensitive, too nice, too forgiving, too caring...

Over-thinking, over-giving, over-sharing, over-caring, over-doing, over-complicating... 

Tack on a little ADD/ADHD, perfectionism, and people-pleasing… 

Yeah, we’re a wild bunch.

Although many of us aren’t big fans of labels, these are what society likes to call us. 
Some of us embrace these, and some of us don’t.

Regardless, we are a community of highly empathetic people fiercely committed to the journey of becoming people of passion, fulfillment, peace, and joy.

But somewhere along the way, we lost ourselves...

Do any or all of these feel like you?

  • You have a keen sense of awareness about the feelings and emotions of others.
  • ​You get strong "gut" warnings about certain people, groups, or environments - but you question these feelings because you don’t want to be “too judgmental”.
  • ​You wonder if something's off in your head because your emotions are strong and it often feels like you’re riding a rollercoaster…. High highs and low lows.
  • ​You tend to be a people-pleaser but often feel used, walked all over, or taken advantage of.
  • ​You are someone people trust and rely on - often they bring you their problems, pain, and difficulties.
  • ​You don't like seeing others struggle or in pain and you feel compelled to help, even if you're not asked.
  • ​Your wants and needs are often unmet and you feel selfish or guilty for communicating them.
  • ​You often struggle with your self-image, identity, and confidence.
  • ​You always want to fit in but rarely feel like you actually belong.
  • ​You are often anxious - but you don't always know why, what to do about it, or how to let it go.
  • ​You want to find joy in giving, serving, and helping others... but it often feels like an obligation or burden.
  • ​You want peace, harmony, and contentment but everything often feels like uncontrollable chaos.
  • ​​You feel like you've just been existing and not really living your full potential.
  • ​You want fulfillment in life but you regularly feel drained, depleted, and exhausted.
  • ​You want more, but you struggle with feeling guilty or selfish about wanting more.
  • ​You've often questioned who you are and what to do with your life. 
  • ​You feel stuck and frustrated because everything you've tried hasn't created lasting solutions.
  • ​You want to live a life of purpose, intention, and passion that feels aligned and meaningful.

If any or all of these feel like you, keep reading...

Our mission is to empower highly empathic individuals to become Ardent Ones: 
People burning and glowing with enthusiasm and passion for life.

As you well know, there is no lack of information on the internet today. 
Although the right information is useful, this community is not just about more information.

It's about application, regeneration, & transformation.

 It's a community of people just like you, where you can feel seen, heard, understood, supported, and free to be you.

A place for you to receive and to give - without judgment.
A place for you to take off your armor, heal, and be refreshed.
A place for you to create deep relationships and not have to face your challenges alone.
A place for breakthrough, laughter, celebration, and joy.

A place for people like us.

We are givers, and we believe we've been called to serve.
From abundance, rather than depletion, lack, or exhaustion.

This is why THE ARDENT ONES exists.

What's Inside?

The Ardent Ones is your monthly membership to our private, members-only community filled with highly empathic people who want community, support, and useful resources. Inside you'll find LIVE workshops, trainings, Q+As, expert presentations & panels, and LIVE sessions where we tackle the hard subjects we all face on a daily basis. (You'll also have access to all recordings if you can't make an event LIVE with us)

Here's a snapshot of what you'll find inside our community:

LIVE Monthly 
Deep-Dive Workshops

  • Managing & Minimizing Emotional Overwhelm
  • ​Transforming Your People-Pleasing Tendencies
  • ​Creating and Enforcing Boundaries
  • ​Assessing, Establishing, & Communicating Your Wants & Needs
  • ​Belonging, Instead of Trying To Fit In
  • ​Eliminating General Anxiety & Walking In Peace
  • ​Transforming Your Self-Image
  • ​Reframing Perfectionism, Overdoing, & Overthinking
  • ​Stepping Into Unshakeable Confidence
  • ​Freeing Yourself From Unhealthy Codependency
  • ​And more...

Need support in navigating a challenge at work, at home, 
or within yourself? 

We've got you covered.

Each month we have a LIVE Q&A session to answer your questions, have live hot-seats, and provide specific answers, resources, and tools to help you navigate the tough stuff.

LIVE Monthly Q&A Sessions

Need support in navigating a challenge at work, at home, or within yourself? We've got you covered.

Each month we have a LIVE Q&A session to answer your questions, have live hot-seats, and provide specific answers, resources, and tools to help you navigate the tough stuff.

Expert Presentations & Panels

Each month we will have presentations from experts 
within various fields including psychiatry, psychology, 
neuroscience, high performance coaching, nutrition, emotional/mental/spiritual/physical health, 
interpersonal communication, mindset, goal setting, relationships, and more...

These experts will bring their years of experience and expertise to provide specific insight for our community through the lens of being a highly-empathetic person.

Each month we will have presentations from experts 
within various fields including psychiatry, psychology, 
neuroscience, high performance coaching, nutrition, emotional/mental/spiritual/physical health, 
interpersonal communication, mindset, goal setting, relationships, and more...

These experts will bring their years of experience and expertise to provide specific insight for our community through the lens of being a highly-empathetic person.

Having a rough day and want someone to know but don't want to announce it to the entire world? Share in the group.

Wondering how to navigate a tough situation with your partner, colleague, friend, or child? Share in the group.

Wanting to serve, give, or help others in the community? Share your breakthroughs, story, and wins in the group.

We're all about support, accountability, connection, and people who understand YOU?

Our community is conveniently located inside of a private Facebook Group. (We are currently in the process of planning out a mobile application and dedicated community platform OFF of Facebook). Your privacy is one of our highest priorities and we protect our own.


Having a rough day and want someone to know but don't want to announce it to the entire world? Share in the group.

Wondering how to navigate a tough situation with your partner, colleague, friend, or child? Share in the group.

Wanting to serve, give, or help others in the community? Share your breakthroughs, story, and wins in the group.

We're all about support, accountability, connection, and people who understand you.

Our community is conveniently located inside of a private Facebook Group. (We are currently in the process of planning out a mobile application and dedicated community platform OFF of Facebook). Your privacy is one of our highest priorities and we protect our own.

Book Studies & 
LIVE Training Sessions

Each month you will have a specific book that we work through together as a community. 

These books coincide with our topic for that month and serve as supplemental material with useful tools, techniques, and methodologies to aid you on your journey.

In addition to the monthly reading, we also have specialized training sessions around the concepts in these books so that we can collectively implement necessary changes 
and support each other.

Each month you will have a specific book that we work through together as a community. 

These books coincide with our topic for that month and serve as supplemental material with useful tools, techniques, and methodologies to aid you on your journey.

In addition to the monthly reading, we also have specialized training sessions around the concepts in these books so that we can collectively implement necessary changes 
and support each other.


By becoming a member of THE ARDENT ONES community, you are making a commitment to your future self, our community members, and the people you love.

Before becoming a part of THE ARDENT ONES community, 
we ask that you commit to the following:

  • BE OPEN - You must be willing to receive, give, be challenged, engage, connect, and support others within our community. Our community is a place for receiving, refreshing, encouragement, hope, and safety. In order to maintain this, we all must be willing to receive & GIVE. Our hearts are ones of givers - but we know to best position ourselves to serve others, we must be willing to also receive and take care of ourselves (even though this can feel a bit selfish). This community is for YOU, so that YOU can turn around and be a blessing to others.
  • ​READ/LISTEN TO ONE BOOK PER MONTH - We have an assigned book that we work through TOGETHER, each month. Each monthly book will serve as a supplemental resource to that months topic & workshop material.
  • ​COMPLETE & SUBMIT OUR BI-WEEKLY REFLECTION/VISION FORM - this form is a very simple form that will take you only a few minutes to complete every other week. It's has a few purposes, including intentional self-reflection to see how you're changing, improving, and transforming, as well as vision casting for the action steps you are committing to take in the week ahead in order to continue staying faithful to your commitment to yourself. This form also serves to let our community leaders be aware of what you're navigating so we can better serve you. We don't want you giving up on yourself or suffering in silence. 
  • ​WATCH EACH MONTH'S WORKSHOP (and implement what you learned) - Without clarity on the practical steps to implement and apply, we cannot hope to create the change we want. Each month, we will have a LIVE deep-dive workshop covering a specific topic. (This topic will be the primary topic for the month inside the community) But don't worry, if you can't make it LIVE, the recording will be made accessible inside the community to watch at your convenience.
  • ​COMMIT TO YOURSELF - this isn't a hype club, pity party, or place for ego. This is about REAL transformation in our lives. We want you to be a part of that with us. We rise and fall as one. Because we cannot do it alone. But here's the most important thing: WHAT YOU PUT INTO THIS WILL DIRECTLY CORRELATE TO WHAT YOU GET OUT. Remember, we're here to GIVE & RECEIVE. You have to decide if you're serious about wanting to change your life. We can't do it for you, but we can come alongside you and support you along the way.
  • ​BE WILLING TO BE SEEN - yes, this might be the first time in a long time that you've allowed yourself to be seen or even remotely considered opening yourself up. But you cannot suffer in silence. If you need help, support, or guidance... you have to let our community know. This is one of the primary reasons our community exists. You know you'll have a safe place to be open with others in a closed environment without fear of shaming, guilt-tripping, manipulation, or abuse. 
  • ​BE WILLING TO PASS IT ON - Although we will always protect our community, we are not going to hoard our breakthroughs, wins, and successes. We will not be community that pretends the outside world doesn't exist. The very world we hope to better serve. The reason we are committed to becoming ARDENT ONES is so that we SERVE THEM, while operating from a place of overflowing (rather than drained). We commit to take what we're learning and applying in our lives and use it to bring greater joy, peace, and fulfillment into the lives of others.

If you feel like this is a lot to commit to, please read the following:

We do not want to overwhelm you with information and a list to-do's... especially if you're like most of us who have a hard time already juggling it all. This community is meant to be a blessing in your life - not an added stress. The reason we have bold commitments is because we want to be a bold people. We aren't interested in people who are only here to take, consume, and live in their own tiny bubble.

Apart from your reading our community book of the month, the approximate amount of time we are asking you to dedicate investing into yourself each month is a minimum of 4 hours. 
That's about ONE HOUR PER WEEK

This community is incredibly special for a reason: each of us has committed to ourselves & to each other to put in the work required ON OURSELVES so that we are better equipped to navigate our mental and emotional wellbeing and never stop becoming ARDENT ONES.

This cannot and will not happen without you committing TO YOURSELF.

If you aren't willing to dedicate at least one hour per week to working on yourself, then this community is not for you. We love you and want you to succeed. But our community will not be useful to you and our conscience doesn't feel good about that.

But if you are ready and willing to commit to...
The Ardent Ones community, to your future self, and to the people you love...

Hit the button below and let's dive deep, together.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I become a member of THE ARDENT ONES?

To become a member, complete your registration on the next page. You can access this page by clicking any of the "Join Our Community" buttons located on this webpage. Upon agreeing to THE ARDENT ONES commitments and submitting your registration fee of $97, you will be granted unlimited access for one month. Please note there is currently a 24-48 hr delay between registration and your group access because our registration software does not directly integrate with Facebook Groups. You will receive a confirmation email upon registration with your next steps and your welcome forms. Please be patient and jump into what's outlined in the email. (There's plenty to get your started!) Your access to the group will be granted within 24-48 hrs as our team has to manually cross reference each users email address to grant access to the group.

Do I have to manually renew my membership each month?

You do not have to manually renew your membership each month. Your card will automatically be charged $97 per month, until canceled. We want you to feel free to stay as long as our community is useful, but we also want you to feel free to move on if it is no longer useful in your life.

What do I do if I've registered but can't get access to the group?

If it's been less than 48 hours since you registered, please check for an email from (CHECK YOUR SPAM/JUNK MAIL and please add " as a contact in your email client so all future emails are not labeled as junk or spam) - if it has been longer than 48 hours since you registered, please email us directly at - Our registration software does not integrate with Facebook so we don't have a way to automatically grant you access to the community. Every member is added individually by our support team. We cross reference registrations with group applicants to ensure only members are granted access.

Where is the community located?

Our community is (currently) located inside of a private Facebook group. - You should have received a registration confirmation email from with instructions on next steps. If you completed your registration within the last 48 hours but have not actually joined the group, please copy & paste the following URL: into your browser and click "JOIN GROUP". Once you've clicked "JOIN GROUP", please complete the 3 questions and agree to the group rules. Once this has been completed, you will be granted access to the group in 24-48 hours. If you have completed these steps, but still have not been granted access to the community, please email our support team at

Why is the community inside a Facebook group?

After looking at multiple online solutions for communities, we felt that utilizing a Facebook Group would be the best (current) solution to meet our community needs. We are in the process of building out a dedicated online & mobile app and will keep our community updated on this as we continue to grow and serve more people. 

When will my card be charged each month?

Our billing system operates on a traditional monthly cycle. Depending on the day you registered, your card will be charged each month in accordance with your registration date. For example, a member with a monthly subscription set to cycle on the 2nd of the month will always be billed on the 2nd. If a month doesn’t have the anchor day, the subscription will be billed on the last day of the month. For example, a subscription starting on January 31 bills on February 28 (or February 29 in a leap year), then March 31, April 30, and so on.

How do I cancel my membership?

Although we're sad to see you go, we don't want you to feel like you're wasting time, energy, or money on something that isn't useful to you or your journey. To cancel your membership, CLICK HERE.
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